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EIP-6493: SSZ Transaction Signature Scheme

Signature scheme for SSZ transactions

⚠️ DraftCore

Draft Notice

This EIP is in the process of being drafted. The content of this EIP is not final and can change at any time; this EIP is not yet suitable for use in production. Thank you!

AuthorsEtan Kissling (@etan-status), Matt Garnett (@lightclient), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin)


This EIP defines a signature scheme for Simple Serialize (SSZ) encoded transactions.


For each transaction, two perpetual hashes are derived.

  1. sig_hash is the hash of the unsigned transaction that is being signed. It is crucial that no two valid transactions ever share the same sig_hash.

  2. tx_hash is a unique identifier to refer to a signed transaction. This hash is used to refer to a transaction within the mempool, and remains stable after a transaction is included into a block.

For existing EIP-2718 Recursive-Length Prefix (RLP) transactions, these hashes are based on a linear keccak256 hash across their serialization.

For Simple Serialize (SSZ) transaction types, an alternative signature scheme based on SHA256 Merkle trees is defined in this EIP.

Furthermore, this EIP defines a conversion mechanism to achieve a consistent representation across both RLP and SSZ transactions and receipts.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

EIP-2718 transaction types

NameSSZ equivalentDescription
TransactionTypeuint8EIP-2718 transaction type, range [0x00, 0x7F]

The values 0x00 and 0x04 are marked as reserved EIP-2718 transaction types.

  • 0x00 indicates an EIP-2718 LegacyTransaction.
  • 0x04 indicates an SSZ SignedTransaction as defined in this EIP.
(n/a)NoneUntyped LegacyTransaction ('Homestead' scheme)
TRANSACTION_TYPE_LEGACYTransactionType(0x00)Untyped LegacyTransaction (EIP-155 scheme)
TRANSACTION_TYPE_EIP2930TransactionType(0x01)EIP-2930 transaction
TRANSACTION_TYPE_EIP1559TransactionType(0x02)EIP-1559 transaction
TRANSACTION_TYPE_EIP4844TransactionType(0x03)EIP-4844 transaction
TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZTransactionType(0x04)SSZ SignedTransaction

Note that 0x19 is reserved to prevent collision with ERC-191 signed data.

Existing definitions

Definitions from existing specifications that are used throughout this document are replicated here for reference.

NameSSZ equivalent
BYTES_PER_LOGS_BLOOMuint64(2**8) (= 256)
MAX_BLOB_COMMITMENTS_PER_BLOCKuint64(2**12) (= 4,096)

SSZ SignedTransaction container

All SSZ transactions are represented as a single, normalized SSZ container. The definition uses the StableContainer[N] SSZ type and Optional[T] as defined in EIP-7495.

MAX_CALLDATA_SIZEuint64(2**24) (= 16,777,216)Maximum input calldata byte length for a transaction
MAX_ACCESS_LIST_STORAGE_KEYSuint64(2**19) (= 524,288)Maximum number of storage keys within an access tuple
MAX_ACCESS_LIST_SIZEuint64(2**19) (= 524,288)Maximum number of access tuples within an access_list
ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE32 + 32 + 1 (= 65)Byte length of an ECDSA (secp256k1) signature
MAX_TRANSACTION_PAYLOAD_FIELDSuint64(2**5) (= 32)Maximum number of fields to which TransactionPayload can ever grow in the future
MAX_TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_FIELDSuint64(2**4) (= 16)Maximum number of fields to which TransactionSignature can ever grow in the future
class AccessTuple(Container):
    address: ExecutionAddress
    storage_keys: List[Hash32, MAX_ACCESS_LIST_STORAGE_KEYS]

class TransactionPayload(StableContainer[MAX_TRANSACTION_PAYLOAD_FIELDS]):
    nonce: uint64
    max_fee_per_gas: uint256
    gas: uint64
    to: Optional[ExecutionAddress]
    value: uint256
    input_: ByteList[MAX_CALLDATA_SIZE]

    # EIP-2718
    type_: Optional[TransactionType]

    # EIP-2930
    access_list: Optional[List[AccessTuple, MAX_ACCESS_LIST_SIZE]]

    # EIP-1559
    max_priority_fee_per_gas: Optional[uint256]

    # EIP-4844
    max_fee_per_blob_gas: Optional[uint256]
    blob_versioned_hashes: Optional[List[VersionedHash, MAX_BLOB_COMMITMENTS_PER_BLOCK]]

class TransactionSignature(StableContainer[MAX_TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE_FIELDS]):
    from_: ExecutionAddress
    ecdsa_signature: ByteVector[ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE]

class SignedTransaction(Container):
    payload: TransactionPayload
    signature: TransactionSignature

def check_transaction_supported(tx: SignedTransaction):
    if tx.payload.max_fee_per_blob_gas is not None:
        assert tx.payload.blob_versioned_hashes is not None
        assert tx.payload.max_priority_fee_per_gas is not None
        assert is not None
        assert tx.payload.blob_versioned_hashes is None

    if tx.payload.max_priority_fee_per_gas is not None:
        assert tx.payload.access_list is not None

    if tx.payload.type_ != TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZ:
        if tx.payload.max_fee_per_blob_gas is not None:
            assert tx.payload.type_ == TRANSACTION_TYPE_EIP4844
        elif tx.payload.max_priority_fee_per_gas is not None:
            assert tx.payload.type_ == TRANSACTION_TYPE_EIP1559
        elif tx.payload.access_list is not None:
            assert tx.payload.type_ == TRANSACTION_TYPE_EIP2930
            assert tx.payload.type_ == TRANSACTION_TYPE_LEGACY or tx.payload.type_ is None

Future specifications MAY:

  • Add fields to the end of TransactionPayload and TransactionSignature
  • Convert existing fields to Optional
  • Relax the validation rules in check_transaction_supported

Such changes do not affect how existing transactions serialize, merkleize, or validate.

Transaction merkleization

Transaction signature scheme

When an SSZ transaction is signed, additional information is mixed into the sig_hash to uniquely identify the underlying SSZ scheme as well as the operating network. This prevents hash collisions when different networks extend their corresponding SignedTransaction SSZ definition in incompatible ways.

NameSSZ equivalentDescription
ChainIduint256EIP-155 chain ID at time of signature

The following helper function computes the Domain for signing an SSZ transaction for a particular network.

class TransactionDomainData(Container):
    type_: TransactionType
    chain_id: ChainId

def compute_ssz_transaction_domain(chain_id: ChainId) -> Domain:
    return Domain(TransactionDomainData(

The hash to sign sig_hash and the unique transaction identifier tx_hash are computed using hash_tree_root.

class SigningData(Container):
    object_root: Root
    domain: Domain

def compute_ssz_sig_hash(payload: TransactionPayload, chain_id: ChainId) -> Hash32:
    return Hash32(SigningData(

def compute_ssz_tx_hash(tx: SignedTransaction) -> Hash32:
    assert tx.payload.type_ == TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZ
    return Hash32(tx.hash_tree_root())

Transaction validation

As part of SignedTransaction validation, the from address MUST be checked for consistency with the ecdsa_signature.

def ecdsa_pack_signature(y_parity: bool,
                         r: uint256,
                         s: uint256) -> ByteVector[ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE]:
    return r.to_bytes(32, 'big') + s.to_bytes(32, 'big') + bytes([0x01 if y_parity else 0x00])

def ecdsa_unpack_signature(signature: ByteVector[ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE]) -> tuple[bool, uint256, uint256]:
    y_parity = signature[64] != 0
    r = uint256.from_bytes(signature[0:32], 'big')
    s = uint256.from_bytes(signature[32:64], 'big')
    return (y_parity, r, s)

def ecdsa_validate_signature(signature: ByteVector[ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE]):
    SECP256K1N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141
    assert len(signature) == 65
    assert signature[64] in (0, 1)
    _, r, s = ecdsa_unpack_signature(signature)
    assert 0 < r < SECP256K1N
    assert 0 < s < SECP256K1N

def ecdsa_recover_from_address(signature: ByteVector[ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE],
                               sig_hash: Hash32) -> ExecutionAddress:
    ecdsa = ECDSA()
    recover_sig = ecdsa.ecdsa_recoverable_deserialize(signature[0:64], signature[64])
    public_key = PublicKey(ecdsa.ecdsa_recover(sig_hash, recover_sig, raw=True))
    uncompressed = public_key.serialize(compressed=False)
    return ExecutionAddress(keccak(uncompressed[1:])[12:])

def validate_transaction(tx: SignedTransaction,
                         chain_id: ChainId):
    assert tx.signature.from_ == ecdsa_recover_from_address(
        compute_sig_hash(tx, chain_id),

See EIP assets for a definition of compute_sig_hash that takes the various transaction types into account.

SSZ PooledTransaction container

During transaction gossip responses (PooledTransactions), each SignedTransaction is wrapped into a PooledTransaction. The definition uses the StableContainer[N] SSZ type and Optional[T] as defined in EIP-7495.

MAX_POOLED_TRANSACTION_FIELDSuint64(2**3) (= 8)Maximum number of fields to which PooledTransaction can ever grow in the future
class BlobData(Container):
    commitments: List[KZGCommitment, MAX_BLOB_COMMITMENTS_PER_BLOCK]

class PooledTransaction(StableContainer[MAX_POOLED_TRANSACTION_FIELDS]):
    tx: SignedTransaction
    blob_data: Optional[BlobData]

The same additional validation constraints as defined in EIP-4844 also apply to transactions that define tx.payload.blob_versioned_hashes or blob_data.

Future specifications MAY:

  • Add fields to the end of PooledTransactionPayload
  • Convert existing fields to Optional

Such changes do not affect how existing pooled transactions serialize, merkleize, or validate.

SSZ Receipt container

All SSZ receipts are represented as a single, normalized SSZ container. The definition uses the StableContainer[N] SSZ type and Optional[T] as defined in EIP-7495.

MAX_TOPICS_PER_LOG4LOG0 through LOG4 opcodes allow 0-4 topics per log
MAX_LOG_DATA_SIZEuint64(2**24) (= 16,777,216)Maximum data byte length for a log
MAX_LOGS_PER_RECEIPTuint64(2**21) (= 2,097,152)Maximum number of entries within logs
MAX_RECEIPT_FIELDSuint64(2**5) (= 32)Maximum number of fields to which Receipt can ever grow in the future
class Log(Container):
    address: ExecutionAddress
    topics: List[Bytes32, MAX_TOPICS_PER_LOG]
    data: ByteList[MAX_LOG_DATA_SIZE]

class Receipt(StableContainer[MAX_RECEIPT_FIELDS]):
    root: Optional[Hash32]
    gas_used: uint64
    contract_address: Optional[ExecutionAddress]
    logs_bloom: ByteVector[BYTES_PER_LOGS_BLOOM]
    logs: List[Log, MAX_LOGS_PER_RECEIPT]

    # EIP-658
    status: Optional[boolean]

Future specifications MAY:

  • Add fields to the end of Receipt
  • Convert existing fields to Optional

Such changes do not affect how existing receipts serialize, merkleize, or validate.

Receipt merkleization


When exchanging SSZ transactions and receipts via the Ethereum Wire Protocol, the following EIP-2718 compatible envelopes are used:

  • SignedTransaction: TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZ || snappyFramed(ssz(SignedTransaction))
  • PooledTransaction: TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZ || snappyFramed(ssz(PooledTransaction))
  • Receipt: TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZ || snappyFramed(ssz(Receipt))

Objects are encoded using SSZ and compressed using the Snappy framing format, matching the encoding of consensus objects as defined in the consensus networking specification. As part of the encoding, the uncompressed object length is emitted; the RECOMMENDED limit to enforce per object is MAX_CHUNK_SIZE bytes.

Implementations SHOULD continue to support accepting RLP transactions into their transaction pool. However, such transactions MUST be converted to SSZ for inclusion into an ExecutionPayload. See EIP assets for a reference implementation to convert from RLP to SSZ, as well as corresponding test cases. The original sig_hash and tx_hash are retained throughout the conversion process.

Transaction gossip announcements

The semantics of the types element in transaction gossip announcements (NewPooledTransactionHashes) is changed to match ssz(PooledTransaction.active_fields()):

0x00Untyped LegacyTransaction ('Homestead' scheme, or EIP-155 scheme)
0x01EIP-2930 transaction, or basic SSZ PooledTransaction without any additional auxiliary payloads
0x02EIP-1559 transaction
0x03EIP-4844 transaction, or SSZ PooledTransaction with blob_data


Why SSZ transactions?

  1. Transaction inclusion proofs: Currently, there is no commitment to the transaction hash stored on chain. Therefore, proving inclusion of a certain transaction within a block requires sending the entire transaction body, and proving a list of all transaction hashes within a block requires sending all transaction bodies. With SSZ, a transaction can be "summarized" by it's hash_tree_root, unlocking transaction root proofs without sending all transaction bodies, and compact transaction inclusion proofs by root.

  2. Better for light clients: With SSZ, individual fields of a transaction or receipt can be proven. This allows light clients to obtain only fields relevant to them. Furthermore, common fields fields always merkleize at the same generalized indices, allowing existing verification logic to continue working even when future updates introduce additional transaction or receipt fields.

  3. Better for smart contracts: Smart contracts that validate transactions or receipts benefit from the ability to prove individual chunks of a transaction. Gas fees may be lower, and it becomes possible to process transactions and receipts that do not fully fit into calldata.

  4. Smaller data size: SSZ objects are typically compressed using Snappy framed compression. Transaction input and access_list fields as well as receipt logs_bloom and logs fields often contain a lot of zero bytes and benefit from this compression. Snappy framed compression allows sending sequences of transactions and receipts without having to recompress, and is designed to be computationally inexpensive.

Why include the from address in transactions?

For transactions converted from RLP, the sig_hash is computed from its original RLP representation. To avoid requiring API clients to implement the original RLP encoding and keccak hashing, the from address is included as part of the SignedTransaction.

Note that this also eliminates the need for secp256k1 public key recovery when serving JSON-RPC API requests, as the from address is already known.

Furthermore, this allows early rejecting transactions with sender accounts that do not have sufficient balance, as the from account balance can be checked without the computationally expensive ecrecover.

Why include the contract_address in receipts?

Computing the address of a newly created contract requires RLP encoding and keccak hashing. Adding a commitment on-chain avoids requiring API clients to implement those formats.

Even though the contract_address is statically determinable from the corresponding SignedTransaction alone, including it in the Receipt allows the mechanism by which it is computed to change in the future.

Why the TransactionDomainData?

If other SSZ objects are being signed in the future, e.g., messages, it must be ensured that their hashes do not collide with transaction sig_hash. Mixing in a constant that indicates that sig_hash pertains to an SSZ transaction prevents such hash collisions.

Mixing the chain ID into the TransactionDomainData further allows dropping the chain ID in the payload of each transaction, reducing their size.

What about EIP-2718 transaction types?

All SSZ transactions (including future ones) share the single EIP-2718 transaction type TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZ. Future features can introduce new optional fields as well as new allowed combination of optional fields, as determined by check_transaction_supported.

This also reduces combinatorial explosion; for example, the access_list property could be made optional for all SSZ transactions without having to double the number of defined transaction types.

Why redefine types for NewPooledTransactionHashes?

The types element as introduced in eth/68 via EIP-5793 allows the receiving node better control over the data it fetches from the peer and allows throttling the download of specific types.

Current implementations primarily use types to distinguish type 0x03 blob transactions from basic type 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02 transactions. However, all SSZ SignedTransaction use type 0x04 (TRANSACTION_TYPE_SSZ), eliminating this optimization potential.

To restore the optimization potential, types is redefined to indicate instead what auxiliary payloads are present in the PooledTransaction: SSZ blob transactions will share type 0x03 with RLP blob transactions, while basic SSZ transactions will be assigned type 0x01, which is currently also used for a basic RLP transaction type. Therefore, implementations will not require changes to distinguish blob transactions from basic transactions.

Why change from cumulative_gas_used to gas_used in receipts?

EIP-658 replaced the intermediate post-state root from receipts with a boolean status code. Replacing cumulative_gas_used with gas_used likewise replaces the final stateful field with a stateless one, unlocking future optimization potential as transaction receipts operating on distinct state no longer depend on their order. Furthermore, API clients no longer need to fetch information from multiple receipts if they want to validate the gas_used of an individual transaction.

What about Log data in receipts?

Log data is formatted according to the Ethereum contract ABI. Merkleizing log data according to its original structure would be more useful than merkleizing it as a ByteVector. However, the data structure is determined by the log event signature, of which only the hash is known. As the hash preimages are erased from emitted EVM logs, it is not reliably possible to recover the original log event signature. Therefore, log data and transaction input data are provided as a ByteVector for now.

Backwards Compatibility

The new transaction signature scheme is solely used for SSZ transactions.

Existing RLP transactions can be converted to SSZ transactions. Their original sig_hash and tx_hash can be recovered from their SSZ representation.

Existing RLP receipts can be converted to SSZ receipts. The full sequence of accompanying transactions must be known to fill-in the new contract_address field. Note that because JSON-RPC exposes the contract_address, implementations are already required to know the transaction before queries for receipts can be served.

Test Cases


Reference Implementation


Security Considerations

SSZ signatures MUST NOT collide with existing RLP transaction and message hashes.

As RLP messages are hashed using keccak256, and all SSZ objects are hashed using SHA256. These two hashing algorithms are both considered cryptographically secure and are based on fundamentally different approaches, minimizing the risk of hash collision between those two hashing algorithms.

Furthermore, RLP messages are hashed linearly across their serialization, while SSZ objects are hashed using a recursive Merkle tree. Having a different mechanism further reduce the risk of hash collisions.

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Please cite this document as:

Etan Kissling, Matt Garnett, Vitalik Buterin, "EIP-6493: SSZ Transaction Signature Scheme[DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 6493, 2023. [Online serial]. Available: